Your best partner assessing organ motility function

●Capable of 1 ch internal pressure measurement with body tilt sensors
●Compact and portable with 36 hours of memory (8Mb flash memory)
●Real time data shown on display monitor
●Sample rate:100mS for Pressure channel
Placing the Pocket Monitor on the Data Transfer box will allow real time
monitoring on your PC screen

Anorectal Function Measurement

 Rapid Pull-through Method

In this method, the pressure distribution from the rectum to the most distal part of the anal sphincter is measured. It also utilizes an automated pull-through technique developed for catheters with single pressure sensors.

 Station Method

In this method, the catheter shifts its position by 1cm starting from the rectum and ending in the distal part of the anal sphincter spanning in length of about 6cm. At each position, pressure values during the state of rest, squeezing, and bear down are measured and the maximum value of each state is recorded.

 Rectoanal Inhibitory Reflex (RAIR)

This measurement involves a balloon catheter to be placed in the rectum, as well as placing the pressure sensor along the anal canal. 4 steps of balloon distension following 5/10/15/20ml of air should cause a healthy anal sphincter to relax if performed correctly on a healthy body. The relaxation (RAIR) can be observed on the computer screen by a drop in the pressure wave.

 Measurement of rectal compliance

Anorectal compliance test, sensory test, and relaxation test can be performed by placing a 400ml balloon in the rectum, and filling it with warm water. The relation between the amount of water dispersed into the balloon to the anal canal squeezing pressure should calculate towards anorectal compliance, while the balloon expansion will cause Rectoanal Inhibitory Reflex, and further expansion should acomodate towards sensation test.
